Location: Bradford, Airedale, Craven, Harrogate
Purpose of Role: Carers’ Resource delivers a wide range of groups across Craven, Bradford and Harrogate to encourage carers to have time with other carers; in turn giving them time for themselves.
Volunteer group hosts are relied upon to ensure the smooth delivery of these groups. Groups could be anything from arts and crafts to simply having a coffee, cake and a chat
Qualities required:
- Be well organised/good administrator
- Be able to be a point of reference at the event
- Be a good communicator
- Be a good listener
- Be empathetic
- Be non-judgemental
- Be reliable
- Be able to work as part of a team
Support provided:
- Supported and supervised by a named Carers’ Resource staff member
- Induction to Carers’ Resource
- Guidance and ongoing support
Time Commitment: Variable to suit volunteer/groups
Possible tasks:
- Preparing for the group meetings – arriving early and setting up the room
- Welcoming group members
- Supporting the carers to take part in the session
- Completing register of attendees
- Collecting monies
- Communicating with group members
- Referring specific carer queries to appropriate locality worker
- Expenses: Agreed expenses will be reimbursed
Benefits of volunteering:
- Increased knowledge of issues experienced by carers
- Enhance career prospects
- Gain skills and experience
- Work as part of a team
- Further volunteer opportunities with Carers’ Resource
- Developing Friendships