Time is running out to comment on proposals to change PIP benefits and replace cash payments with vouchers.
The previous Government published the “Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper” earlier this year. The consultation period ends on July 22nd.
The Green Paper proposes changes to assessments, eligibility criteria, and the move towards a medical model of entitlement. Campaigners believe this will have the effect of reducing the number of people who are eligible for PIP benefits and the amount they are entitled to claim.
The proposals also suggest the replacement of cash payments with vouchers, grants or a receipt-based system, removing the independence and autonomy for people to decide what to spend their cash PIP benefit payments on.
These proposals will obviously have an impact on carers, those they care for, and their families, and may also have implications for Carers Allowance and Universal Credit.
The new Government has indicated it will wait to see the results of the consultation before making any decision.
You can have your say by taking part in the consultation here.
You can download the Green Paper documents here.
Disability Rights UK has produced a template submission which can be found here.
The consultation form is lengthy but you do not have to answer all the questions.
Carers’ Resource has submitted responses to the consultation – you can read our submission here.